
The Association of Computer Electrical Electronics and Communication Engineers (ACEECom) welcomes all the Engineering Professionals and Technical Engineering Colleges and Universities to join us » » read more


TEN Commandments


The ACEECom stands for research and development for the betterment of the common man’s life by encouraging and publishing high quality academic international journals in all areas of Engineering & Technology and other relevant related subjects/topics/applications; and by organizing conferences, workshop, seminars and/or awareness programs by providing the technical and other supports, always will have news and events to update. At research and development we have following TEN Commandments

  1. Encourage Good Research & Development
  2. Sponsor High Quality Conferences
  3. Exercise Peer Review Paper Acceptance
  4. Say NO to Plagiarism
  5. Publish only Original works in Journal & Proceedings
  6. Devise and Finalize new Standards and Protocols
  7. Improve and Develop new Model and Tools
  8. Transfer the Technology to Common Man
  9. Act against Technical Illiteracy
  10. Help the needy though Benevolent Schemes and Projects



Publication Policies
Copyright Policy
Plagiarism Policy
Website Policy
Private Policy
Code of Ethics
TEN commandments
Publication Guidelines
Organization Model
Call for General Chairs